Statue is a semblance representation of art of a person, animal, or mythical being that is created by sculpturing made of metal or stone. They are the oldest form of the art carved or casted figurine that is life-sized or larger than life. The extensive gardens of royal palaces and parks in many cultures have included the display of statues filled with artwork that adds personality and even scholarly knowledge on a more reasonable scale. Statues add a modern touch to historical landmarks and make it even more attractive and appealing. They are eye catching and so interesting that people get inclined in taking pictures of and with them or having fun around them. Statues aim to reunite art and nature with their versatility. They were occasionally inserted into the ground supported solely by their plinths, which had smooth bottoms.

Statutes render a profoundly inexpensive means of echoing a design or artistic theme in a room establishing splendid ambience and providing elegant view in your empty spaces. They have been a significant art form in all cultures that have developed since ancient ages. Artist interpret their work in a way to pay homage to kings, keeping pace and similarity with the styles by filling the large spaces in public and private surroundings showcasing the captive decoration.
Bronze is a metal alloy traditionally composed of copper and tin used for casting a statue or figurine. It is also more fusible and is hence easier to cast. Bronze is been used in ancient times to produce decorative works as statues that continues throughout the medieval period. The bronze statutes were used to represent gods, ancient kings, possibly in the hope of making them immortal with likenesses carved and portrait. They are considered as one of the most advanced cultural treasures characterized by a masterful casting technology. Bronze statues are probably created to honour living or deceased people as a tradition of memorable events standing in parks, on street corners and in galleries. They are crafted, conferring the eyes to connect to a time gone by, and they all have a story to tell that seems more authentic and magical by attracting the visitors to glance at them. Bronze statues come in all shapes and sizes with artist’s imagination to design them.
Bronze statues are an ideal way to remember the achievements and ideas of the people who were turned into statue by filling many roles in human life. They keep their stories alive using an artfully crafted monologue taking it to a whole new level by shinning a light in everyday life leaving you with a smile. The figures of bronze statues of men, women, animals and combination of all these served to honour the forces of nature manifested in good spirits as astonishingly lifelike showcasing the lightness and brilliance of the artwork. The skill of fine craftsmanship persisted by the time, fabricated by the artists as superb designs of the bronze statues shaped into graceful figurines holding emphasis on glorifying the statues to look more lifelike.